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May 11, 2015


 Barbara Corcoran became super successful in New York City real estate by failing, taking risks, being creative, and using her determination. As one of the stars on "Shark Tank" television show, her fame continues to grow. Her "Never give up" attitude is contagious. Many would say her selection for the TV show was a small miracle.

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Now Available!   Finally, someone has translated the ancient text of the most read book in all of mankind spoken by the man who has changed the course of the world over 2000 years ago. This book shows the practical applications for entrepreneurs and leaders of this age through the real-life stories of many people, no matter their faith. The Scholars, Historians, Theologians and even Business Analysts have never broken the code the way Author and Entrepreneurs Brig Hart and John Beehner have done. John shows the practical ways the Secret will and does produce the deepest wealth...greater than the any IRA or Stock Portfolio. 

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