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March 25, 2014


The Cornerstone of Character is one of the foundational building blocks of a person’s life. Not only is character essential to an individual's personal life, it is essential in the person’s business life. The decisions we make, the people we associate with, and what we expose ourselves to, in the form of information and education, will form the basis of our character.

part 1,   Introduction

part 3, Finding Your Moral Compass

How & Why Good Business Creates True Wealth  took three years to develop and was completed in 2006. It was formerly called Genesis: The Business Workshop. It contains 13 different 30-minutes video chapters. Each chapter is split into roughly 10-minute sections to allow for healthy discussion between videos. The foundation comes from the Bible and True Wealth…By the Book, authored by John Beehner, founder of Wise Counsel.

It is based on many of his insights from studying the Word, and practical experiences of working with hundreds of CEOs and companies over 15 years. Genesis features real-life stories of respected entrepreneurs and companies that have worked toward becoming highly effective in the marketplace, whether they knew Christ or not. Men and women like J.C Penney, Conrad Hilton, Ray Kroc, Kraft Foods and Nike, just to name a few, are featured with 50 other examples. E-workbooks on this site are available with all the graphics. 

Wise Counsel - Level One Membership

48 Keys to Good Hiring Practices
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