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March 30, 2016


Lee Lyon joins John Beehner on Marketplace Witness.

Also, hear Lee Lyons on the Inspiration316 Radio Show: 

Wise Counsel - Level One Membership

48 Keys to Good Hiring Practices
May 3, 2021
Follow these 48 Keys to Good Hiring Practices: 1. Avoid 3-minute “snap, emotional” decisions (first impression by appearance, personality, experience...
June 28, 2018
We interviewed Ken Blanchard, an American author and management expert, in 2007 as part of Wise Counsel's "Ask God about My Business" radio campaign...
June 28, 2018
We interviewed Pat Morley, author of Man in the Mirror, in 2007 as part of Wise Counsel's "Ask God about My Business" internet radio campaign.
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