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February 12, 2015


We were excited to have Brian Peters speak to Wise Counsel members at one of our meetings. He is a special person. He took over as CEO of a major Canadian corporation operating in Jacksonville. The corporate group decided to shut down the division. His story is an amazing example of treating people in a crisis situation with the right information and respect and finishing well.

It's about the moral principles of the Lord and the Golden Rule in action in Corporate America. 

Wise Counsel - Level One Membership

48 Keys to Good Hiring Practices
May 3, 2021
Follow these 48 Keys to Good Hiring Practices: 1. Avoid 3-minute “snap, emotional” decisions (first impression by appearance, personality, experience...
June 28, 2018
We interviewed Ken Blanchard, an American author and management expert, in 2007 as part of Wise Counsel's "Ask God about My Business" radio campaign...
June 28, 2018
We interviewed Pat Morley, author of Man in the Mirror, in 2007 as part of Wise Counsel's "Ask God about My Business" internet radio campaign.
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